
  Summit develops confident English speakers able to navigate the social and professional situations they will encounter in their lives. It delivers immediate, demonstrable results through its goals- and achievement-based pedagogy and continual recycling of language.

  Summit offers more ready-to-use teacher resources than any course available today.

  Key features of the new edition •All new and updated content
  •Greatly increased grammar, reading, listening, and writing practice, plus extra digital exercises
  •Conversation Activator videos to build communicative competence
  •Discussion Activator videos to increase quality and quantity of expression
  •A Test-taking Skills Booster to help stu(and extra challenge exercises) help students succeed in the reading and listening sections of standardized tests

  •MyEnglishLab is an online learning platform that offers personalized practice in all four skills, with feedback on errors and access to Grammar Coach videos.
  •ActiveTeach is a powerful multimedia teaching resource that includes a digital version of the Student's Book with interactive whiteboard tools, complete lesson plans, assessment tools, and access to audio, video , and interactive exercises, plus hundreds of printable extension activities.
  •Listen to the Classroom Audio Program
  •anytime, anywhere: download the mp3 files from www.english.com/summit3e or get the Summit Go app, which provides speed control, navigation, and audio transcripts.
  •Student's Book with or without MyEnglishlab
  •Teacher's Edition and Lesson Planner
  •Full-Course Placement Tests printable and online
  •Assessment online in MyEnglishLab and printable from ActiveTeach
  •Classroom Audio Program (CDs)

  Summit 1 and Summit 2 are designed to follow the four-level Top Notch course. Top Notch takes students from CEF A1 to B1+ (20-59 on the Global Scale of English).and grammar for ral-world practice
  •Wonderful World projects teach 21st century skills-communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity
  •Classroom eBook lessons put class structure and fun-filled activities at the teacher's fingertips.

  For students •Student Book with audio CDs
  For teacher •Digital resource pack comprising
  •presentation tool with all audio and videos, detailed teacher's guide, test bank and flashcards


  • ISBN:9780134499628
  • 規格:平裝 / 124頁 / 21 x 27.4 x 0.7 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 3版
  • 出版地:台灣
  • 本書分類:> >
  • 本書分類:> >



對於女性朋友來說,絕經是每個女性都無法逃避的現實,每個人都要經歷,雖然進入絕經期,女性朋友身體會有很多的不適,但是也一定要用正確的心態去面對,這樣才能夠幫你平穩的度過。 其實絕經並不是一天兩天就來到,它在向你到來之前,身體會有很多的異常變化,希望你不要忽視,及時的調理才能夠保證身體的健康。絕經向你靠近時,身體會向你發出很多小信號,別再傻傻忽視了 ... 女性身體出現這些癥狀,別躲了,絕經正在和你打招呼 月經紊亂: 如果女性朋友在絕經之前,最明顯的表現就是會出現月經紊亂,大部分都是月經周期越來越長,而且月經的量也比較少,慢慢的就會出現絕經的情況。 但是也有些女性朋友月經很可能會出現周期變短,月經量增多的情況,其實不管哪種情況,只要月經變得不規律,考慮到年齡的問題,或許就是絕經正在和你打招呼。 情緒異常: 女性朋友出現絕經,主要就是由於子宮和卵巢的機能衰退所導致的,這樣體內的雌激素分泌也會逐漸的降低,內分泌不平衡,也會對女人的情緒造成不良的影響。 如果女性朋友45歲之後出現脾氣暴躁,有時候也會抑鬱,獨自傷心落淚,難以控制自己的情緒,那麼就需要提高警惕了,這或許也是即將絕經的表現。 ... 腰酸背痛: 如果雌激素水平分泌下降的話,也會影響到身體內的鈣質,會加速身體鈣質的流失,所以女性朋友很可能會出現骨質疏鬆的情況,腰酸背痛的情況要比以前更加的明顯。 當有這種情況的話,或許也是絕經正在向你打招呼,希望你要提高警惕,好好的調理自己的身體。 渾身燥熱: 如果女性朋友45歲之後,經常出現臉部、胸部、身體燥熱潮紅的情況,而且還可能會出現大汗淋漓的狀況,這也是女性朋友即將絕經的重要表現,這種情況被我們稱之為潮熱。 如果你有這種情況的話,建議不要忽視,這可能說明你即將面臨絕經期了,一定要好好的正確對待。 ... 排尿困難: 在我們身邊,像尿頻、尿急、尿不盡的情況通常被用在男性朋友的身上,但是如果女性朋友即將面臨絕經期的時候,也可能會出現排尿不順暢的情況。 很多人可能誤以為是尿路感染,其實這也許是絕經正在慢慢向你靠近的小信號,希望你要引起重視。 如果以上這些情況你具備的話,考慮到年齡的問題,或許是絕經即將到來了,如果你在45~55歲之間出現絕經的情況,是非常正常的。










壹讀 https://read01.com/MJAPxx3.html

博客來 https://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/888words/products/0010772961




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